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And Hello,

This is the link to my art community!

Haboo art community 

The only goal for this community is that we use our contacts, we artists collaborate and create more art. In the end art has to win. This is a space where we sit down and adore what all of us have been creating and provide more opportunities, support and love.


Haboo People!

An Exclusive Society, which you can either enter by reference or filling out this form.

This Society or Community is for networking and meeting the best network to exist, You can refer upto three people, and if your referral messes up you get kicked along with them too, With all due respect we will only be accepting your form if your form has enough to make us have faith in you. We will be hosting Meetups, Dinners, House parties, Trips and stays.


Steal Like An Artist 

One of my favourite book by Mr Austin Kleon, it will change your perspective towards alot of things do give it a read.


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